10 Free Tips: How Does Diabetes Cause Kidney Disease?

10 Free Tips: How Does Diabetes Cause Kidney Disease?

10 Free Tips: How Does Diabetes Cause Kidney Disease?

57% of patients already know that diabetes causes kidney disease; it may be acute or chronic, depending on the symptoms and medical reports.

Most patients fail to maintain the healthy functioning of kidneys out of these patients due to their bad eating and working habits. The cause of most of the casualties is due to ignorance, and this is the fact.

Indirectly, no one can say the exact issue about diabetes causes kidney disease and the exact cause before becoming severe.

It is usually between a few causes, and the main reason is High blood glucose, also called blood sugar. This increased level of blood sugar or glucose eventually causes damage to the blood vessels in our kidneys.

Here are other articles where I have explained in detail kidney issues:

Please consider looking at these other articles to understand kidney issues in a broader view. We continue to look at the Heart and Kidney Failure Symptoms.

Further, kidneys slow down their primary filtration functioning and accumulate other hazardous chemicals and substances in the urine. It leads to severe kidney complications, and most commonly, we know about it as a Diabetic Nephropathy.

What is diabetes?

Diabetes is the body’s condition which does not process eaten or drunken food items properly to utilize it as energy.

Most of the food we eat got broken into small pieces and turns into glucose or sugar with acid present in our stomach. The pancreas, an organ that presents near our stomach, helps make a hormone known as insulin to support glucose enter our bodies’ cells.

There are two types of diabetes articulated in medical terminologies, known as Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes.

What is diabetic kidney disease?

57% of patients already know on how does diabetes causes kidney disease; it may be acute or chronic, depending on the symptoms and medical reports. Most patients fail to maintain the healthy functioning of kidneys out of these patients due to their bad eating and working habits. The cause of most of the casualties is due to ignorance, and this is the fact. Indirectly, no one can say the exact issue about diabetes causes kidney disease and the exact cause before becoming severe. It’s common for those with Chronic Kidney Disease and skin conditions to get itchy skin and wildly excessive itchy skin. Because many online published articles and studies surveyed about and concluded of having too much phosphorus, and that is correct. But it’s not exactly the right answer. People recommend all sorts of creams, face packs, lotions, etc. It’s like to reduce phosphorous from our body, especially skin. Diabetes, Lump in your belly, Cutaneous infection, Non-melanoma skin cancer, oral mucosal, Pruritus, Purpura, Dry skin, Xerosis, Nephrogenic, Half Nails, Itching, Pigmentary Changes, Skin discoloration, skin conditions, alternative treatment, Anaemia, Asymptomatic Proteinuria, Ayurveda, cancer, cholesterol, chronic illness, COVID-19, dialysis, diet plan, fitness, Glomerulus, healthy lifestyle, Heart and kidney failure symptoms, heart disease symptoms, Hematuria Syndrome, High blood pressure, hypertension, kidney cancer, kidney care, kidney Cyst, kidney disease, kidney disease symptoms, kidney donor, kidney health, Kidney stone, kidney transplant, kidneys, location of kidneys, nephrology, Symptoms of Kidneys not Filtering, types of kidney stones, what is a kidney stone, What is kidney stone pain like
Diabetic Nephropathy

It is a type of disease known as diabetes affects kidney problems like kidney failure. It is also called Diabetic nephropathy or nephropathy or diabetic kidney disease. Similarly, you can wonder when you heard of a kidney gets damaged due to diabetes alone. And it’s true.

Together, people with diabetes and kidney disease are worse overall than people with specific kidney disease alone.

People with diabetes tend to have other complex medical conditions, like high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and blood vessel disease (atherosclerosis).

Furthermore, People with diabetes have higher chances to get other kidney-related problems, complications, such as bladder infections and nerve damage to the bladder. It is very extremely crucial to control your diabetes to eliminate unwanted complications.

Why Diabetes cause kidney disease?

Diabetic kidney disease

57% of patients already know on how does diabetes causes kidney disease; it may be acute or chronic, depending on the symptoms and medical reports. Most patients fail to maintain the healthy functioning of kidneys out of these patients due to their bad eating and working habits. The cause of most of the casualties is due to ignorance, and this is the fact. Indirectly, no one can say the exact issue about diabetes causes kidney disease and the exact cause before becoming severe. It’s common for those with Chronic Kidney Disease and skin conditions to get itchy skin and wildly excessive itchy skin. Because many online published articles and studies surveyed about and concluded of having too much phosphorus, and that is correct. But it’s not exactly the right answer. People recommend all sorts of creams, face packs, lotions, etc. It’s like to reduce phosphorous from our body, especially skin. Diabetes, Lump in your belly, Cutaneous infection, Non-melanoma skin cancer, oral mucosal, Pruritus, Purpura, Dry skin, Xerosis, Nephrogenic, Half Nails, Itching, Pigmentary Changes, Skin discoloration, skin conditions, alternative treatment, Anaemia, Asymptomatic Proteinuria, Ayurveda, cancer, cholesterol, chronic illness, COVID-19, dialysis, diet plan, fitness, Glomerulus, healthy lifestyle, Heart and kidney failure symptoms, heart disease symptoms, Hematuria Syndrome, High blood pressure, hypertension, kidney cancer, kidney care, kidney Cyst, kidney disease, kidney disease symptoms, kidney donor, kidney health, Kidney stone, kidney transplant, kidneys, location of kidneys, nephrology, Symptoms of Kidneys not Filtering, types of kidney stones, what is a kidney stone, What is kidney stone pain like
Diabetic Kidney Disease

Diabetic kidney disease (also called diabetic nephropathy) is a complication that occurs in a few people with diabetes. In this condition, the kidneys’ filters, called the glomeruli, gets damaged.

Read this for more information – symptoms of kidneys, not filtering.

Because these kidneys’ leak’ an unusual amount of protein from the blood leaks into the urine. The protein that leaks out from the damaged kidneys is called albumin.

Typically, healthy kidneys have only a tiny amount of albumin in the urine. An excessive level of albumin in the urine is the best and first sign that the kidneys become damaged by diabetes.

Another point to note here is that Type 1 diabetes and Type 2 diabetes are very different once kidney patients get noticed. In type1 diabetes, kidney disease unusually occurs in the initial ten years after diagnosis of diabetes. On the other hand, In type 2 diabetes, some patients already have kidney disease over time as they are diagnosed with diabetes.

How Does Diabetes Cause Kidney Disease?

  • It is the abnormal leakage of protein from the blood during a blood filtration into the kidneys.
  • Further, complex reactions and an unusual formation of chemical compounds lead to extracellular diseases (inside the kidneys), commonly called “a diabetes cause kidney disease.”

A medical community divided the process for diabetes cause kidney disease as follows,

1. Diabetic kidney disease stages

Early treatment could help slow down kidney disease progression in kidney patients if they were getting more numerous renal problems. There are five stages of kidney disease. Look at the below image.

57% of patients already know on how does diabetes causes kidney disease; it may be acute or chronic, depending on the symptoms and medical reports. Most patients fail to maintain the healthy functioning of kidneys out of these patients due to their bad eating and working habits. The cause of most of the casualties is due to ignorance, and this is the fact. Indirectly, no one can say the exact issue about diabetes causes kidney disease and the exact cause before becoming severe. It’s common for those with Chronic Kidney Disease and skin conditions to get itchy skin and wildly excessive itchy skin. Because many online published articles and studies surveyed about and concluded of having too much phosphorus, and that is correct. But it’s not exactly the right answer. People recommend all sorts of creams, face packs, lotions, etc. It’s like to reduce phosphorous from our body, especially skin. Diabetes, Lump in your belly, Cutaneous infection, Non-melanoma skin cancer, oral mucosal, Pruritus, Purpura, Dry skin, Xerosis, Nephrogenic, Half Nails, Itching, Pigmentary Changes, Skin discoloration, skin conditions, alternative treatment, Anaemia, Asymptomatic Proteinuria, Ayurveda, cancer, cholesterol, chronic illness, COVID-19, dialysis, diet plan, fitness, Glomerulus, healthy lifestyle, Heart and kidney failure symptoms, heart disease symptoms, Hematuria Syndrome, High blood pressure, hypertension, kidney cancer, kidney care, kidney Cyst, kidney disease, kidney disease symptoms, kidney donor, kidney health, Kidney stone, kidney transplant, kidneys, location of kidneys, nephrology, Symptoms of Kidneys not Filtering, types of kidney stones, what is a kidney stone, What is kidney stone pain like
Diabetic kidney disease stages

Sometimes our glomerular filtration rate (GFR) is used to get the exact idea about our kidney disease stage. Identifying the scene is essential because it will affect your treatment plans. To calculate your GFR, the doctor will use the results from a creatinine blood test along with our age, gender, and body physique.

2. Diabetic Kidney Disease Development and Progression Steps

  1. A raised blood sugar (glucose) level causes leakage of chemicals within the kidney.
  2. Chemicals tend to make the glomeruli more ‘leaky,’ which allows albumin to leak into the urine.
  3. Increased blood glucose levels may cause some proteins in the glomeruli to get extracted, and other proteins get linked to the glucose.
  4. ‘Cross-linked’ proteins can trigger a localized scarring process, also called glomerulosclerosis.
  5. It regularly takes several years for glomerulosclerosis to develop, and it only occurs in diabetes patients.
  6. As the condition becomes more critical, glomerulosclerosis is expanded and minimizes the kidney’s filtering function.
  7. Finally, causes Kidney failure.

What are the symptoms of diabetes in kidney disease?

Below, common diabetes causes kidney disease symptoms, which helps to get an idea about what is happening with you:

  • Shortness of breath
  • Protein in the urine
  • Swelling of feet, ankles, hands, or eyes
  • Increased need to urinate
  • Worsening blood pressure control
  • Reduced need for insulin or diabetes medicine
  • Loss of appetite
  • Persistent itching
  • Fatigue
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Confusion or difficulty concentrating

The Risks of developing diabetic kidney disease

Overweight is one of the most significant warnings to our internal organs, especially kidneys and heart-related problems. It is indirectly linked and causes more severe complications, making it hard to find the exact cause of any physical issues. It may be a kidney problem, blood pressure, or any internal problems.

People who face the below problems are more prone or tends to risk, to get diagnosed with diabetes cause kidney disease, such as

  • Smokers
  • Alcohol lovers
  • Obesity or fatty people
  • Fast food, High intake of Animal protein eater
  • Excessive consumption of Salts and Potassium
  • long time Non-eating of Fresh and healthy fruits
  • High blood pressure and Diabetic patients
  • High cholesterol level in the blood

Diagnosis methods

The diabetic nephropathy diagnosed from the following test methods,

  • Urine tests – Requires checking protein levels. If the protein level is higher enough than regular urine measurements, it indicates one of the first signs of Diabetic Nephropathy.
  • Blood pressure – Excessive higher blood pressure is caused by diabetic nephropathy and also contributes to its progression.
  • Blood tests – Signals the degree of kidney functioning health.
  • Biopsy – It is a small tag of tissue removed from the kidney via a slender needle and examined in a laboratory by a specialist. It is usually only performed when there is significant doubt about whether kidney damage is due to diabetes or another cause.
  • Kidney ultrasound – It is an imaging technique used to analyze the size of the kidney in real time. Further, it is being analyzed from the arteries to the kidneys to be checked for narrowness, causing decreased kidney function.

Diabetic kidney disease treatment

57% of patients already know on how does diabetes causes kidney disease; it may be acute or chronic, depending on the symptoms and medical reports. Most patients fail to maintain the healthy functioning of kidneys out of these patients due to their bad eating and working habits. The cause of most of the casualties is due to ignorance, and this is the fact. Indirectly, no one can say the exact issue about diabetes causes kidney disease and the exact cause before becoming severe. It’s common for those with Chronic Kidney Disease and skin conditions to get itchy skin and wildly excessive itchy skin. Because many online published articles and studies surveyed about and concluded of having too much phosphorus, and that is correct. But it’s not exactly the right answer. People recommend all sorts of creams, face packs, lotions, etc. It’s like to reduce phosphorous from our body, especially skin. Diabetes, Lump in your belly, Cutaneous infection, Non-melanoma skin cancer, oral mucosal, Pruritus, Purpura, Dry skin, Xerosis, Nephrogenic, Half Nails, Itching, Pigmentary Changes, Skin discoloration, skin conditions, alternative treatment, Anaemia, Asymptomatic Proteinuria, Ayurveda, cancer, cholesterol, chronic illness, COVID-19, dialysis, diet plan, fitness, Glomerulus, healthy lifestyle, Heart and kidney failure symptoms, heart disease symptoms, Hematuria Syndrome, High blood pressure, hypertension, kidney cancer, kidney care, kidney Cyst, kidney disease, kidney disease symptoms, kidney donor, kidney health, Kidney stone, kidney transplant, kidneys, location of kidneys, nephrology, Symptoms of Kidneys not Filtering, types of kidney stones, what is a kidney stone, What is kidney stone pain like
Diagnosis and Treatment

There is no cure for diabetic nephropathy to date. Once kidneys fail, dialysis is a must. And treatment becomes more aggressive as the kidneys deteriorate towards failure. At this point, the following Medical options include:

  • Prevention – Prevention is better than cure. Means prevention includes controlling an adequate level of blood glucose and blood pressure.
  • Medications – The angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors and angiotensin control blood pressure for diabetic patients and that receptor blockers to curb kidney damage.
  • Dialysis – It’s another word is artificial kidney treatment. It uses End-stage kidney failure, which means the complete loss of the kidney to function. Dialysis involves either shunting the patient’s blood through a particular machine (also called hemodialysis), which helps remove the wastes while preserving water and salts, or removing wastes through fluid introduced into the abdomen (peritoneal dialysis). Dialysis is required frequently times every week for the rest of the person’s life.
  • Kidney transplant – A kidney donor donates a healthy kidney at his/her wish who has died or from a relative or friend or any other person. This transplant replaces the function of the diseased kidneys with healthier ones.

Diabetes Cause Kidney Disease Precautions:


Always remember, the Ray of Hope still presents in front of you, but it’s an invisible ray. You have to tell your mind about any problems, and it may be physical or internal organ problems. Everything will get healed from the root level. Just keep hopes and follow doctors’ medications and exercise etc., religiously.

Improve healthy diet, lifestyle. Adopt eco-friendly living and eating habits; in return, you will get healthy vibes and energy. Remember, it’s all about Energies. Whatever you eat or drink or do any work, they’re always a need for life.

That energy source may lead you like a god or otherwise; it converts your whole life into a faulty hopeless dead person. It depends on you how and why you choose that way to live and die.

The above whole article is just for the informational purpose to get an idea of how diabetes causes kidney disease. And it is up to you to get rid out of it.

Frequency Asked Questions (FAQ’s)

How long does it take for diabetes to cause kidney damage?

Everything depends on your eating habits and physical activity. Suppose you are an officer sitter worker and have a terrible habit of eating a diet with no exercise. Side by side, your favorite is cigarettes and alcohol for a long time, then definitely after a few years, you will get diabetes cause kidney disease.

Commonly it is known from kidney patients’ experiences, approx. 6-7 years, or in some cases, it may be earlier than that.

How to protect kidneys from diabetes?

The best way is to avoid the below conditions from time to time, such as:

  • Smoking
  • Excess Alcohol
  • High Animal Protein, Fish or Egg intake
  • The increased amount of Potassium and other dangerous salts
  • Non-controlling High Blood Sugar levels
  • Obesity
  • Excessive Dehydration
  • Diuretic Drugs or any other unwanted drugs and medicines. etc

How to reverse kidney damage caused by diabetes?

There are no changes to reversing kidney damage caused by diabetes-related to insulin secretion and blood sugar level. If it continues to get excessive in blood, it damages the kidney functioning and consequently causes kidney disease or kidney failure or sometimes End-Stage Kidney Disease (ESKD).

Below are some tips, which may help to get reversed from damaged to the average level,

  • Drink Hot water for a whole day (If you can).
  • Do yoga and Pranayama.
  • Throw away the following:
    • Sea Salt
    • Refined Cooking oil
    • Animal Proteins
    • Sulpher sugar

These cause the “bad cholesterol” level to increase in our blood.

  • Use Wooden Cold pressed Oil, Eat Jaggery, Organic vegetables and fruits like Apple, Citrus fruits, pineapple, etc., and mostly Lemon water if possible.
  • Regular walking of 20-30 minutes daily and little warm up to 30 minutes at home in the garden etc.
  • Follow doctors’ medication time table. Get regular checkups of blood, urine, and vitamins level, etc.

Can diabetic nephropathy be cured?

There is no cure, but some treatment may extend the life expectancy to some extent, and you can do it so—the treatments like controlling blood sugar level, blood pressure optimum level, etc.

How to keep my kidneys healthy if I have diabetes?

Always keep controlling diabetes, blood sugar level by which our kidney functions appropriately, and urinate daily. Remember, there are two types of diabetic diseases: Type1 and Type2 diabetes. Control over the types of diabetes keeps your kidneys protected from diabetes cause kidney disease.

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