What is Celiac Disease: Types, Causes and Diagnosis

If you want to know about celiac disease, then you have come to the right place. Celiac diseases are getting very popular around the world. According to some reports, 1% of the world’s population is suffering the horrible consequences of this disease, and about 3 million Americans faced the same issues when it comes to its effects and complications for humankind.

We are going to put you at ease in understanding what Celiac Disease is. Celiac diseases are a common disease that arises when you are gluten intolerant and experience damage to the small intestine when you consume gluten. Eating gluten food is extremely dangerous for health, and it is a root cause of several diseases just like this.

Gluten is a collective term for different types of protein that are commonly found in barley, rye, wheat, etc. Gluten-containing grains and products are prevalent in Western counties, especially in their diets. The human body possesses a protease enzyme that helps to digest the protein in the food product. What is the diagnosis?

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History of Celiac Disease

This disease has a long history. About two million years ago, a man developed with almost all the organs. Over time, the man started eating cow, cereals, eggs and got to get the daily protein needs. Celiac disease is generated when some people couldn’t adopt the new foods. Eight thousand years later, Aretaeus of Cappadocia identified and named this disease after having the visible symptoms and appearance of this disease among humankind. He called it “Koiliakos” derived from koelia (abdomen). He narrated that “If the stomach be irretentive of the food and if it passes through undigested and crude, and nothing ascends into the body, we call such person coeliacs.”

Research conducted in 2008 revealed that Samuel Gee gave first presented a clear description of this disease in 1888. He suggested that some dietary changes can be beneficial to get rid of this disease. So, in the late 20th century, countless diets were proposed, but the researchers couldn’t find the actual cause of the disease. The Banana Diet was introduced in 1920 as a dietary treatment. Wim Dicke conducted a study in 1950 to find out which diet change can provide the desired results. He suggested that people who don’t consume wheat, rye, and oats can get rid of this disease, and it can show a considerable improvement as well. Similarly, the study also found the actual cause, i.e., gluten — its earlier studies based on children.

In 1954, Paulley demonstrated the histological abnormalities in the small intestine, and in 1955, Royer conducted various techniques to describe per-oral biopsy. There were countless research and method for this disease over time, and the researchers measured its relativeness to other health conditions. In 1955, Samman suggested that there could be a possible link between the celiac condition and dermatitis herpetiformis while Shuster and Marks established the relationship between 1965 and 1968, respectively. Over time, some societies were developed, such as the Coeliac Society, in 1968. In the 1980s, it also reported the disease can be linked to various health conditions such as diabetes and was accepted as an autoimmune disease in the 1990s. The past studies and experiments helped a lot in a better understanding of the disease. Still, it requires the best treatment to deal with the disease. In the future, there will be an advancement in this regard.

Celiac Disease in Children

The disease has heredity in nature. A child may get infected by parents and second-degree relatives. The symptoms of the disease appear when your child eats food that contains gluten it. A child falls ill after having this disease, so always consider taking the child to a doctor.

For infants, the common symptoms of the disease can be vomiting, bloating, weak growth, irritability, and diarrhea. The signs could be different in school-age children, and they can experience abdominal pain, abdominal distention, constipation, etc.

Celiac Disease Types

There are many types of Celiac disease. This division is based on pain type and linked symptoms. The most prominent examples of this disease are as follows;

1. Silent

As the name suggests, this is the type of illness when you don’t experience any symptoms of the disease but test positive for it. It silently propagates and kills a person who is having it for a long time. The silent type of disease appears by chance when you are going to a doctor for the medication of some other illness. This type of condition can easily be diagnosed by following a strict gluten-free diet. To do so, you need to avoid all the foods that contain gluten. However, leaving the gluten-containing diet menu can be challenging.

2. Non-Responsive

Non-responsive is one of the types that continues even when you follow a specific gluten-free diet for a half month to a year. Sometimes, a patient can’t get rid of the disease because gluten may not be the real culprit, or it has been in your body for a very long time and caused significant damage to your body more, especially in your small intestine. Recent studies have shown that more than 25% of the patient found with the non-responsive type of disease. Doctors will prescribe different types of supplements that are gluten-free.

3. Latent

This type of disease happened when you inherited the condition, but no symptoms of the disease show up. In this case, mostly, the visual tests are negative, which means you are not affected by the disease, but this disease eventually develops. It is mostly blood tests that show that it is available or sometimes triggered by other diseases or infections.

4. Typical

It is another type of infection that comes up with clear signs and symptoms. In this case, a person experiences all the symptoms of the disease, such as gas, bloating, and diarrhea, etc. Typical is the type of disease or illness where it affects the small intestine and villi. You can read more here about the symptoms of celiac disease or condition general and read here about symptoms of celiac disease in women.

Celiac Disease Facts and Figures

Celiac disease is widespread these days, and this is why it is crucial to know all the facts and figures about the disease because they are alarming. Let’s have a look at it as now;

  1. Around the world, 1 in 100 people has celiac disease.
  2. Around the world, 1 in 56 people has celiac-related symptoms.
  3. Every 1 in 22 people has celiac whose parents and children (first-degree relatives) are with celiac disease.
  4. Every 1 in 39 people have celiac whose aunt, uncle, and cousin (second-degree relatives) are with celiac disease.
  5. About 3 million Americans are affected by celiac disease.
  6. The average time for the symptoms to show up is about four years, but this time may depend on various other factors.
  7. Celiac disease is one of the most typical hereditary health problems, impacting about 1% of the world’s population.
  8. It can affect the organs of your body.
  9. There are about 300 symptoms of celiac disease.
  10. It can develop at any stage of life.

Celiac Disease Related Information

What Causes Celiac Disease

Celiac disease is caused by an abnormal immune system reaction towards the gluten protein. The exact celiac disease causes is unknown. Many types of research stated that celiac disease is due to the absence of a gene, which helps in the digestion of gluten-containing food. Without any substantial evidence of exact causes, this disease is complicated to pinpoint its origin.

Celiac Disease Sympyoms
Celiac diseases are a common disease that arises when you are Gluten Intolerance.

Signs and Symptoms of Celiac Disease

Celiac disease symptoms and signs fluctuate significantly between children and adults. The following are adult gastrointestinal symptoms and signs or signs of celiac disease:

However, more than half of individuals with celiac disease experience symptoms and signs that are not connected to the digestive tract, such as:

  • diarrhea iron deficiency
  • Fatigue
  • Depression
  • Weight loss
  • Constipation
  • Itchy Rash
  • Bloating and gas
  • Iron-Deficiency Anemia
  • Abdominal pain
  • Nausea and vomiting

Most Probable Causes of Celiac Disease

  • Infect feeding practices
  • Gastrointestinal infections (GIT)
  • Gut bacteria
  • After surgery
  • Pregnancy
  • Viral infection
  • Emotional stress

Diagnosis of Celiac Disease

Celiac disease runs in the family. A person who is suffering from this disorder will surely not know that he has celiac disease. If your brother, sister, mother, father, and any other family member have this problem, then you must consult your Doctor and be active to get the test that is most common for celiac disease. Bear in mind that celiac disease is so difficult to detect because of the different types; individuals can have it for a very long time, not knowing they have it. This lengthy harm to the small intestine and digestive system may begin to influence different parts of the body.

Gluten is an environmental trigger, and the central histocompatibility complex area has been identified as a genetic risk factor. Celiac disease is not as uncommon as believed initially, with a global prevalence of roughly 1%. The reason for its under-recognition is due mainly to the fact that approximately half of those affected do not show conventional gastrointestinal symptoms but instead present with nonspecific signs of nutritional inadequacy or have no symptoms at all. The most recent information on the epidemiology, pathophysiology, clinical presentation, diagnostic testing, and therapeutic management of the celiac disease is included in this article.

Diagnosing celiac disease, you need to go through the two following celiac disease diagnosis, which is typical for testing:

1. Serological Test

The presence of certain types of antibodies in the blood indicates that either a person has this abnormality or not. An elevated level of antibodies indicates an immune system’s reaction towards gluten.

2. Genetic Test

This test is the best enough before getting gluten-containing food in your diet. Sometimes your Doctor will demand to get some gluten-containing food in your diet, which gives precise results regarding gluten testing. Antigen HLA- DQ2 and HLA- DQ8 can use for human leukocytes.

A blood test is a more reliable way to diagnose this disorder. The most common blood test is.

  • Liver function test
  • Complete blood count
  • Alkaline phosphatase test
  • Cholesterol test
  • Serum albumin test

If a person’s results indicated that celiac disease is present, then the Doctor is ready to do more tests for the best outcomes.

  • Skin Biopsy

A skin biopsy is another way that your Doctor will prefer to check celiac disease in people with dermatitis herpetiformis. In this, a doctor will remove tinny skin tissues for the microscopic examination with a specific system.

  • Endoscopy

In this test, the Doctor uses a tube. Your Dr. passes a tube from the mouth with a small tiny camera that reaches the small intestine. The camera gives a clear view of the Doctor of your small intestine and makes work easy to get the sample of intestine tissue. The tissue indicates that damage that takes place on villi due to the gluten protein attack. This procedure, also known as a biopsy.

  • Capsule Endoscopy

Another way to make sure of the presence of celiac disease. Capsule Endoscopy, a capsule, is available that has a small camera and is sized about the vitamin capsule in which a patient swallow. When that capsule is passing from the GIT, the camera takes many pictures with a clear resolution that are recorded to check the GIT and small intestine conditions.

Curing celiac disease

The current treatment for celiac is a gluten-free diet for life. In most cases, clinical improvement occurs within a few weeks, and mucosal damage heals in 1-2 years. Patients with celiac disease should avoid milk and dairy products during the first phase of treatment. They may have brush border lactase insufficiency due to damage to surface epithelial cells.


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7 Questions to Ask Your Doctor After being Diagnosed With Celiac Disease

Celiac disease is not easy to cure. Once you are diagnosed with celiac disease, mostly there are damages to your small intestine; the gastroenterologist will take samples of your small intestine lining to examine if there are damages to your villi. Your Doctor will be able to give you the information on whether your villi is healthy or severely damaged or moderate.

Then you should ask some questions about your Doctor related to your health condition. Having the right questions to pose to your Doctor at this point will spare you lots of frustrations, time, money, and help you to progress much quicker to a better you. You won’t have many worries again about celiac disease, and you will live a gluten-free life.

1. How Much Damage To The Intestine?

Once you are diagnosed with celiac disease, mostly there are damages to your small intestine; the gastroenterologist will take samples of your small intestine lining to examine if there are damages to your villi. Your Doctor will be able to give you the information on whether your villi is healthy intestinal or badly damaged.

Everybody to remember that damage or harm doesn’t always indicate whether you have severe damage in your small intestine. If your small intestine or villi is severely damaged, your doctor needs to decide if you need further screening for other health problems or not.

2. Should You Go for the Nutritional Deficiency Test?

As a celiac disease patient, in this problem, the malabsorption of nutrients often leads to malnutrition., regardless of whether you were eating a balanced diet. Your symptoms don’t always indicate whether your nutritional status is good or bad, especially if you have most or terrible celiac disease symptoms.

Most of the time, the deficiencies of iron, vitamin D, and vitamins such as folate and B12, calcium, magnesium, and essential fatty acids, etc. are common to the majority of people. This question might prompt your physician to consider testing to determine if you’re deficient in specific nutrients.

3. Is It Necessary To Take The Nutritional Supplements?

When you have celiac disease, your villi are more prone to be damaged, the overall intestinal functioning as well. Physicians usually prescribe their celiac disease patients to take a multivitamin consistently, and medical research supports this. Some physicians may only prescribe supplements that you only have nutritional shortfalls. It all depends on further tests if you have any deficiencies in nutrition. So, ask your doctor this question.

4. Should My Siblings Go Through This Diagnose?

This question is the most important because celiac disease mostly runs in the family. If you have this problem, then surely your sibling might be suffering or likely to suffer from celiac disease. So, always consult with your doctor for the diagnosis of your siblings.

5. Are Dairy Products Still Safe for You to Consume?

In many instances, celiac disease patients can’t endure dairy products that contain lactose; it is a kind of sugar found in milk. The lactose is broken down by an enzyme called lactase, which the intestine’s villi are producing by its tips. If your villi are dissolved or severely damaged by celiac disease, at that point, you can’t make lactase, and lactose digestion won’t be possible.

There are quite many lactose intolerance symptoms out there. The testing can pinpoint whether you are lactose-intolerant or not.

6. Should You Expect Any Future Tests?

Yes, the majority of physicians would recommend future tests to measure antibodies to gluten in your blood. Physicians might recommend either biopsy or endoscopy even after a certain amount of time to check whether your gluten-free diet is overcoming the celiac disease by healing your villi in the small intestine.

7. How do I Correctly Read Food Label?

Yes, it would help to choose the right foods for eating. You must get the knowledge of how you can read the food label? Which is free from gluten protein and does not harm your body. This question will ask your Doctor after the diagnosis.

Treatment for celiac disease

It is an autoimmune disorder in which the human body attacks the small intestine when you consume foods that contain gluten in abundance. Such foods include wheat and rye. During this condition, the body can’t get what it needs from the food you eat.

There is no medication and treatment for celiac disease for now. To avoid this disease, you need to go completely gluten-free. When you visit a doctor, he will refer to a dietician to suggest a perfect gluten-free meal plan. If you strictly follow a gluten-free diet, then you can get rid of this condition over time.

You Need To Just Follow Gluten-Free Diet

As said earlier, there is no proper treatment for this disease. You can hope that the researcher will find the best treatment in the future. However, the best treatment is to go gluten-free for a long time. The average consumption of gluten in food and drinks is only 20 parts per million, which is almost negligible. If you eat foods that contain zero gluten, then it would heal your intestine and bring you back to a healthy lifestyle.

To do so, you need to avoid all the foods that contain wheat by all means. Not only wheat, but you should also avoid the foods that contain gluten. Those foods include rye, barley, farina, malt, and durum. For the perfect meal plan, you need to visit a doctor, and he will suggest you follow a meal plan that will be completely gluten-free. Even a small amount of gluten can be dangerous, so you should be very mindful while eating anything. When buying a product, you need to check the label, whether it is gluten-free or not. Most often, you might be suffering from malnutrition, and you need to supplement it.

Frequency Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is Celiac disease foundation?

It is one of the Foundations with its international efforts to sponsor and implement global initiatives in three main areas to end celiac disease’s suffering: medical research, patient and healthcare provider education, and public policy advocacy.

what are the symptoms of celiac disease?

You can often start to see or notice the symptoms after at least a year on a stringent Gluten-free diet. The following symptoms characterize this Disease:

These are some symptoms and chronic villous atrophy, confirmed by negative tests results of serology.

Is there a cure for celiac disease?


celiac disease symptoms in adults

You can find more information if you click here.


how is celiac disease diagnosed

You must consult your health practitioner and explain all that you are experiencing. You are sent for the different tests to confirm if you got it or not.


is celiac disease genetic?

Celiac disease is a genetic condition that mostly runs in families. People who have a first-degree family (parent, child, or sibling) who has celiac disease have a one-in-ten likelihood of having celiac disease.










Things You Need To Take Note Of When You Diagnosed With Celiac Disease?

Most dieticians recommend eating oats, but make sure they are labeled as gluten-free. Although you avoid all the wheat, rye, barley, and other products with gluten, it can still be in various medications and products. Such non-food products that contain gluten are lipstick, herbal supplements, food stabilizers, envelope, toothpaste, and vitamins. On the other hand, coffee, pasta, candies, salad, and soups also contain gluten content.

Find Support and Education

Medical follow-up is crucial because it may take about six months for a child and takes several years for an adult. The Doctor may recommend endoscopy and biopsy to check whether the intestine healed. And if it is completely damaged, then he would recommend steroids.

To avoid this disease, you need to be educated and follow whatever the Doctor suggests to you. It is not easy to follow all the medications and gluten-free products for a long time, and people are usually fed up. Join the groups that have like-minded people so that you may get useful suggestions.

Lucky Thomo

Welcome to turntobehealthy.com – a blog that focuses on spreading the healthy way of living and saving money in the process. My name is Lucky Thomo and I’m currently employed full time and do Blogging part-time, wishing to go blogging full-time in the future. I'm more into health and fitness with this website. I do research in my spare time and also introduced the way of living and eating into my family. In 2019 I stumbled upon a YouTube Video about ‘Blogging’. I was skeptical at first because there are too many scams out there. I was given a free 7 (Seven) days no question's asked if I want to cancel. I start a personal blog on the free seven days where I’ve gone deeper into the Healthy and Fitness industry. After that free seven days, I decided to go on and paid to continue with the programs because I saw value in the platform. I continued like that ever since. I’ve learned many things from the experience of the platform that I joined. My blogs are growing steadily in popularity and authority. I started as a hobby but now I enjoy it more than before. I am slowly building my blogging into an income source that will enable me to dedicate more and more time to it and eventually become a full-time blogger. To find out more about my story, you can read it in the tab "About Lucky" on my website. You can also visit my Turntobehealthy.com blog post to have a look at my work.

126 thoughts on “What is Celiac Disease: Types, Causes and Diagnosis

  1. I think it is concerning to learn that 1% of the world population suffers from celiac disease. That is a huge number if you ask me. It appears to be that the safest measure against this deadly disease is to totally cut out and avoid gluten laden foods. I have to say, I think the worst form of this disease is the silent type. It operates within the body without being recognized. This has been really informative and helpful. Thanks for sharing 

    1. Thanks Rhain, for your comment. It is really a big number 1% of the whole world population and it is growing much faster than it was anticipated many years ago. Gluten is the main issue here. Majority of the people don’t have enough information about this disease and also on the doctors’ side they most of the time they take too long to do tests specific to this disease. Thanks again for your comment, let us all spread the word out there about the disease.

  2. Celiac disease is actually not a disease, rather a condition in my opinion. Because it cannot be treated, the person with celiac disease can only avoid it.I

    I have a friend that have this disease and he is always avoiding dairy products. It really sucks for him. And it is difficult for him to maintain a well balanced body, but he saw some results after joining the gym. 

    1. Yes, diet and excercise works well when combined. He needs to go completely gluten free, because if he still eat gluten the disease or “Condition” won’t go away. Wish speedy recovery to your friend. Thanks for your comment.

  3. I have heard a great deal about the rise of Celiac disease and gluten intolerance over the past several years. However, what I didn’t know was that it had a long history dating back thousands of years. Do you think that the reason it seems so prevalent nowadays is because more people are getting it, or have the numbers always been the same and we just know better how to identify it?

    1. I think nowadays we eat too much gluten food, than many years ago. Today we eat more refined food. If we can go back in eating organic food, the will be a slowdown in many spread of disease. Thanks for your comment. 

  4. Very educational information, I have never heard of Celiac disease, although I have heard many times about avoiding gluten food’s. Even though I haven’t heard of this disease up till now, it is very shocking to hear of it’s alarming growth. I always try to eat a healthy diet and watch food labels for gluten free foods, especially with getting older it’s always better to be safe than sorry, thanks for sharing. 

  5. That was a good article on celiac disease. I have heard of it before but paid no heed to it. I understand it can be hereditary too. From what you have written, gluten intolerance leads to the destruction of the villi in the small intestine. Thus the small intestine cannot function efficiently and so it cannot absorb sufficient nutrients into the body. The person suffering from celiac disease may be malnourished due to nutrient deficiency. As the disease is asymptomatic, it may take years to diagnose. Gluten intolerance can also lead to lactose intolerance.

    There is no known medication that can cure celiac disease. the only way is to avoid gluten in your diet. 

    The problem is, can you avoid gluten completely? What if you are away from home? You mentioned oats could be eaten. I am wondering whether rice, potatoes, tapioca, quinoa, and other grains are gluten-free.

    1. Annhariz, as of now there is no specific medication for celiac disease, the only way is to go 100% gluten-free. Yes, you can avoid gluten completely, there are people that are already living that life. I done a post here is the link


      It explain majority of food types you can eat when you are diagnosed with celiac disease, weather you are at home or away. Oats you can eat when it says “Gluten-free”.  Some rice are gluten free and you will find it on that post above.

      Thank you very much with the comment, hope I answered all your questions to your satisfactory. 

  6. Thank you for your very detailed and informative article pertaining to Celiac Disease. I was surprised that it dated back so far in history, as I assumed that the disease was a more modern day affliction based on our current diet, which is rich in all lectins, especially gluten.

    It is interesting to note that people may have celiac-type symptoms, and not be suffering from celiac disease. I myself, tend to have skin blemishes if I eat too much gluten, but I do not have celiac disease.

    Thanks again for the very informative article.

    Have a great day!


    1. Thanks Tom, for you comments celiac disease it dated far back and it just started to rise, yes because of our diet and process foods. Maybe your symptoms are caused by something else and triggered by gluten, talk to your medical doctor and some tests to pinpoint the real issue. Sometimes it might be gluten and it hides itself. Thanks again for your comments and wish you to recover on your blemishes. 

  7. Hi Lucky,

    Thank you for this informative post. I have heard of Celiac disease but never knew what it was about until reading your article. It is interesting the relation between diet ( gluten free) and this disease. The 4 types and the statics about Celiac. 1 in a 100 that is too much. 

    Also interesting is the causes how it can be diagnosed and the treatments.

    Thank you for your post.

    Best wishes,


  8. This is a very in depth post & took a lot of time to prepare!  Thanks for the great information on celiac’s disease.  There are a lot of people affected by wheat gluten & it certainly can’t be easy to avoid this.  There are a lot of products that have gluten added to them.  

    Keep up the good work cause I’m sure a lot of people will definitely benefit from this!


    1. Thanks Sharon if my article will make a good impact to the society, That is my aim. I am raising the awareness about the disease. There are a lot of gluten-free products also, the issue is that few people enquire about them and the shop will stock less of it.

  9. That was a long and interesting read . I have never heard of Celiiac disease but I am glad to be made aware of it.
    So to avoid catching a disease like this the best bet is to stick with a gluten-free diet.
    I think after reading this I am going to be more choosey on the types of food I get.
    Will check out the gluten-free produce at my local supetmarket.
    Can you recommend any gluten-free range products?
    Thanks for the interesting post.

  10. What an interesting topic. I have been having some serious gut problems these last years, so it is good to know how to get tested for celiac disease !

    What do you think about the hype where a lot off people go gluten free , without ever being tested for celiac disease ? They claim to feel better when they stop eating gluten. Is there something like gluten sensitivity or doesn’t it excist, is it all in the head ? 

    1. Hello Lizzy,

      You need to see the Doctor regarding that gut problems, celiac disease when not treated for a long time can cause serious health complications. It is true that there is gluten sensitivity and there are those that when they go 100% gluten free, they feel the difference although it does not mean you are healed when you have celiac disease.

  11. Interesting history of this disease. I wonder who found out that millions of years ago a man first appeared with almost all the organs? Then eight thousand years later celiac disease was discovered? Anyhow, it is a fact that the disease does exist and is advancing throughout the world population. Though gluten in the diet may be one of the main causes of the disease, other dietary practices may also contribute to its harmful effects on the intestines. The individual needs to pay close attention to what he eats in order to correctly determine if it is the gluten that is really contributing to the problem.

    1. Russell

      Interesting history indeed. Everybody in nowadays needs to know exactly what you eat and if it is good for your body, not only for celiac disease, but for your life and your health because it depends on it. Thanks a lot for your comment.  

  12. You say that the disease is hereditary. I have a question for you – can the disease be dormant and then become apparent later on in life? I know people whose parents have the disease but they do not. Why is this? Will they have it in the future?

    1. EcoCatherine
      Celiac disease can go dormant and appear at time in life. The reason why people don’t have this disease while their parents had it, lies in many different reasons: It can be because of the type of celiac disease more specially the “latent” or “Silent”, this ones hide themselves. It can be because of the diet that the person eats. Sometimes it is there and gets triggered buy other diseases. They can develop at any stage of life, early age right up to senior.
      Thanks for your question hope I answered to your satisfactory.

  13. Hiya Lucky

    Thank you for your interesting article about types, causes and diagnosis of Celiac disease. My best pal was recently diagnosed with Celiac disease and placed on a gluten free diet. Gluten free food is very expensive but you can get vouchers for essentials from the doctor. It still works out more expensive to eat out though for instance. Will she have to remain gluten free for life or just till she’s better? Would a return to gluten see her becoming Celiac again? 

    Is a gluten free diet nutritionally sound? If not what supplements do you need to take? I’m going to bookmark this for her and so that I can read further as I noticed you have other information about Celiac disease that I would be interested to read. Krs PurpleLioness 

    1. Hi PurpleLioness

      She will have to stay 100% gluten free for life, that is for her own safety. She needs to be in touch with the Doctor until the tests reveals that she is 100% healed, then with the advice of the Doctor she can blend about 20% of her diet with gluten. It’s true the majority of gluten free food are expensive. She must visit my site, because I am busy now compiling a list of “budget friendly 100% gluten free foods”. She needs to do the full blood count, so that the doctor can see which nutrients and or vitamins she lack on and take it from there. It is very much important for her to understand this disease and take the correct steps towards her recovery stage. Thanks a lot with your comment, hope I answered your questions up to your satisfactory, for more information you can shout out and I will assist where I can.

  14. What an incredibly detailed review of something which is sadly becoming seen as the latest ‘fad’ diet, but is so much more important to those who truly suffer from celiac disease. I hear many people say they cut out gluten to lose weight, completely missing the key point for those who need to follow this incredibly limiting diet. 

    The numbers are quite scary at how many people are effected, and as you say, if we just went back to eating real unprocessed foods as our ancestors did, we can perhaps go someway to slowing this down. 

    A great article, thank you for sharing!


    1. Wendy

      My intention is to spread the awareness and I’m happy if it comes out in that way. Thanks for your comment.

  15. Thank you for doing a great deal of work and research into putting this article together. I had no idea there were so many different types of celiac disease, nor the methods available and what was involved in diagnosis. I’m sure this article will be extremely useful for anyone who is concerned about this for themselves or a family member.

    1. drinkteahub

      I’m glad if it is useful. My intention is to help others out there. Thanks for your comment,

  16. This article is extremely information.  My wife has an immune disorder.  it has been suggested that she might have some form of celiac disorder as well.  Previously we have dismissed this thought.  After reading your article with symptoms and the types of the disorder, I have suggested that we go to her immunologist and ask if this disorder might be present.  Thank you for the thorough explanation of this disease.

    1. Anastazja

      I’m happy if I did helped a little. I wish your wife recover fast. Thanks for your comment. 

  17. Hello, Thank you for this detailed information about Celiac Disease. Reading this article and learning about it, I got a beat scared for the fact that the Celiac disease in many cases didn’t have symptoms, and it is silent or latent. You mention here that some blood tests such a Cholesterol test can help to diagnose the disease. The cholesterol test included in my annual checkup. I want to know, is it enough for just one of these tests, or should all be performed to diagnose the disease? 



    1. Alketa

      Yes, It is fine just to do one test if you don’t have any of the symptoms. Only when you got you got symptoms relating to those of celiac disease, you’ll have to do more than one test, your doctor will suggest on which further tests you must go for. I hope your question is answered to your satisfactory. Thanks for your comment.

  18. Hi,

    Great article, I have read about the rise of Celiac disease and gluten intolerance.What I didn’t know was that it had a long history dating back thousands of years. What l know is that if a person with this disease endure dairy products that contain lactose they might get worse  they need to avoid dairy products.l like the suggestion that people who don’t consume wheat, rye, and oats can get rid of this disease. Exercising and following a good diet can also get rid of the disease.I am still lucky as no one has it in my family if I come across anyone who has Celiac I will definitely land a helping hand as your article provided me with more information l did know about. I will share this article with my colleagues. Thank you for sharing this informative article.

    1. Fiona K.

      I am glad if the article is going to help. I intend to send awareness to the public. Thanks for your comments.

  19. good article on celiac disease. Very educational information, I  never heard of Celiac disease befor although I have heard many times about avoiding gluten food’s.  I haven’t heard of this disease up till now, it is very shocking to hear of it’s alarming growth. I try to eat a healthy diet and watch food labels for gluten free foods, especially with getting older it’s always better to be safe.

    I understand it can be hereditary .From what you have written, gluten intolerance leads to the destruction of the villi in the small intestine. The person suffering from celiac disease may be malnourished due to nutrient deficiency. this disease is asymptomatic, it can  take long to diagnose. Gluten intolerance can lead to lactose intolerance too. 

    There is no known medication that can cure celiac disease. the only way is to avoid gluten in the diet. 

    The problem is, can you avoid gluten completely? What if you are away from home? 

    Thanks for sharing valuable information

    1. Yajvi

      Yes, you can avoid gluten altogether, even when you are not at home. There are people currently that are living a gluten-free life. There are plenty of shops that now have a variety of gluten-free foods. Thanks for your comment, and I hope that I answered your question accordingly. 

    1. Hi Prav
      I am happy if the post’s objective is as planned. I am raising awareness about the disease and trying to reach as many people as possible can. Thanks for your comment.

  20. What a very informative and educational article about Celiac disease, I never knew this type of illness before I came across to your post. This would be peculiar and uncommon as well.

    In your article, you said that an abnormal immune system causes celiac disease to react towards the gluten protein.The exact cause of this disease is unknown, and due to the absence of a gene, which helps in the digestion of gluten-containing food, no substantial evidence of exact causes, the disease is painful to pinpoint its origin.

    My question is if the patient incorporates his or her diet with gluten protein-free foods can be celiac disease cured?

    Thank you so much,


    1. Lyn, when you have celiac disease, you must go 100% gluten-free. Any small amount of gluten might cause you to have serious health issues. It’s either in or out, and there is no in-between. 

      This disease is still tricky for our health scientists to pinpoint the exact cause. Thanks for your comment, and I hope I answered you satisfactorily.

  21. Thank you for educating me on what Celiac disease is. I had never heard of it before this article. It does have a very interesting history as you described.

    It is interesting that it can be linked to diabetes and there is a heredity factor involved as well. Symptom and pain types are something of which to be aware.

    Thanks for providing the resources in your “related information” section. I never realized all the effects gluten can have. Also the questions you provided to ask the doctore is valuable. I appreciate this information which I can share with friends and family as well as my clients. All the Best.

    1. Thanks, Joseph, if you feel it is useful. I intend to spread awareness out there to the public. I would appreciate it if you can share it because you are inline with my intention of educating and informing the public. Thanks for your comment.

  22. Hello Lucky,

    I am/was a type 2 diabetic and the way I manage my condition is through diet and someone diagnosed with Celiac should do the same thing. Of course lifestyle makes a big difference and you must adjust to your condition accordingly.  I am not a bread, grain, wheat, or rye eater or anything that contains gluten due to my condition because I find that grain has a lot of sugar (long chain glucose) in to spike blood sugar and insulin.

    Lately, the issue with grains is the amount of herbicide, fungicide and pesticides used to grow the product and you may have heard of the glyphosate issue. Not good for human consumption, anyway there are healthier foods to consume.

    Thanks for the informative post.



    1. Thanks for your comment Jimmy. In nowadays there’s a lot of herbicide, fungicide and pesticides that is used to grow the product or foods we eat. Our bodies are not ready for the amount that we ingest. Thanks again for your comment.

  23. With great interest, I have been reading your article about Celiac disease. As you describe it is so very common and you hear it all the time. My daughter complains about a sore belly regularly what worries me. I have been to the doctor several times for this but not with successful diagnoses. Sometimes an intolerance has come to my mind or celiac disease, but as she doesn’t have most of these symptoms that didn’t make sense too. Now I read about silent celiac and I start doubting again. How tricky to diagnose when there are no symptoms. 

    i noticed as well you write that gluten is extremely dangerous to eat. I was wondering if you mean for celiac people or for all people? In my knowledge it would only be dangerous for people with the disease, is that correct or do you believe it is bad for all of us to eat gluten. 

    Thank you for reading this great article, I learned so much from your article. Jude

    1. Jude

      Usually, the first step for diagnosing celiac disease is to go for a blood test; if it shows that it is not there, the doctor needs to look at other conditions. The celiac disease shares its symptoms with many diseases. 

      Gluten is not suitable for everybody when consumed at a higher rate like nowadays we eat gluten from sunrise to sunset. Too much gluten in anyone is not good. Celiac patients must avoid gluten altogether.

      I hope I had answered your questions to your satisfaction and wish for your daughter to recover soon. Thanks for your comment.

  24. I have heard of the celiac disease before but I didn’t really think much of it till now. It gives one much concern to know that the number of people suffering from it are so many and is still on the increase.
    The silent type of the disease is even scarier and that’s why it’s good to visit a doctor regularly for checkups.
    I think the best thing is to just stick to gluten free diet, that’s the best way of avoiding the disease. Thanks for the detailed review on this rarely talked about sickness, must have taken a lot of work to put it together.

    1. I intend to spread awareness about this disease and reach as many people as I could. Thanks, Chris for your comment

  25. I only recently heard about this disease and on reading this article, I see where all those symptoms that we pass over could be signs of it. I am walking the safe route by eating gluten free and staying away from diary. I know for sure that dairy gives me eczema breakouts and I am sure I can find food substitutes for those breads and buns. This is an awakening. Thank you

    1. Yes, JJ. In nowadays there is more variety of food that is gluten free. It is just a mind set that needs to change. Thanks for your comment.

  26. It is alarming to know there is no medical treatment available for celiac disease. It is even worse to know that a huge population including the kids is victims of this terrible disease.
    It is interesting to know, even if your diet I strictly gluten-free, you can contaminate gluten from lipstick. Knowing what you eat from outside i important to ta gluten free.
    More research I necessary to figure out the treatment for sure. I am curious to know
    Should one top drinking milk in anticipation of celiac disease?
    If you eat zero gluten can your intestine heal from celiac disease?

    1. Anusuya

      Only few celiac disease patients can still take dairy products, but majority can’t. If you want to heal celiac disease currently there is only one way: 100% gluten free. Thanks for your comment

  27. So much info here, thank you. I am worried about my mother who is elderly and says she can’t eat gluten but I don’t know if she has had a test. I will ask her. She has had bowel cancer and a bout of Crohn’s disease that nearly killed her so I think it is important she knows  one way or the other.

    1. Deb

      It is very important and is the safe way for her to know, in that way she can be monitored in weather she is getting better or not. There is a lot into it, because if she was defying some vitamins and nutrients she needs to supplements. But if she does not go for a checkup how she will know where she stands. I hope she’ll do the right thing and get better. Thanks for your comment

  28. Hey Lucky, 

    Very imformative post, good job! I’ve heard a bit about celiac disease and its history. Pretty interesting there are basically like 2 kinds of people: people who can process gluten foods, and those who can’t, and this all resulted from the 1 man with all the organs who ate gluten so long ago ;D

    Luckily I don’t have celiac disease but I still don’t eat too much gluten-containing food, because sometimes I do experience symptoms such as bloating. 

    Thanks for the great tips!

    1. Anna

      I’m happy if you don’t have this disease, but go and get that bloating check-up. Thanks for your comment. 

  29. Thanks for this interesting and informative article. My wife has had symptoms of celiac disease for many years but refuses to go to her doctor to get it confirmed or not. She just says that if it is celiac disease then there’s no cure so what’s the point?

    She has turned to eating a mostly vegetarian diet which seems to help but do you think there is any benefit in having it properly diagnosed and is there much that can be done medically?

    1. David

      Yes, there are many benefit in having a properly diagnoses done to ensure that it is celiac disease or not. If she test positive to celiac disease, the doctor will recommend or refer here for further tests to check the severity of it and the damages it had caused (endoscopy or colonoscopy or both). They’ll have to check if she doesn’t have any deficiency on the vitamins and nutrients, if so she needs to take some supplements. She might be referred to a dietitian for customized diet.

      I hope I’ve answered your questions to your satisfactory. Thanks for your comment.

  30. I´m glad I found your site. I have book marked it. Thank you for a very clear explanation of what Celiac´s disease is. I now feel far more informed and understand it better. It was particularly helpful that right from the start, you explained this clearly.  I found the site particularly clear and informative.  So many “medical” sites are couched in cautious “might´s or possibly, check with your medical practitioner etc. What I liked is that you were very clear. Thank you. I had no idea that eating gluten was the cause of this.  The list of recommended vegetables was very helpful.  We will use that list in our weekly grocery shopping now.

    My wife prefers to eat gluten free as she says that bread causes her stomach to bloat. Do you think eating a gluten free diet is a good idea for people who do not have symptoms with Gluten? Might it be silently impacting on your health?  I too sometimes have excessive gas after eating a lot of bread or sweet breads, do you think it might be gluten or the sugar causing it?

    Do you recommend corn as an alternative to wheat?

    I see so many gluten free products in the store´s these days which annoyingly are always so much more expensive that those with gluten. I´m surprised it is only 1% of the World that is suffering. Do you have any recommendations where to buy gluten free products on line that are more accessible in price?

    1. Trevor, Thanks for bookmarking my post. The intention I have with the article is to spread awareness to as many people as I can reach. I like to cover with as much information as possible; I don’t want to highlight but to explain as much as I can. 

      Gluten-free food has many benefits for people with or without celiac disease. Too, to name a few: Advances healthy weight reduction; Advances stomach related well-being; Improves cholesterol levels; Eliminates your danger of coronary illness, particular Cancer, and diabetes. 

      You need to see a doctor check the real cause for your excessive gas after eating bread; there’s a possibility to be celiac disease. 

      For more information on gluten-free foods, check my post “https://turntobehealthy.com/what-is-celiac-disease-types-causes-and-diagnosis/” Celiac disease food and product are mostly expensive for now, I am busy researching “reasonable gluten-free food list for celiac disease patients.” 

      I hope I answered your questions to your satisfaction. Thanks for your comment. 

  31. Thank you for your post. It is informational and educational. It is useful for me. When I eat certain food, I have bloating, irritability, abdominal pain, and diarrhea etc. I know I have some kind of problem, but never take time to do the investigation.

    Here comes your article. I could have Celiac disease. For now, I need to identify specifically what kind of food I have problem with and try to avoid them. I definitely need to see doctor and perform some tests to identify my problem. I bookmarked your webpage and will come back to learn more about Celiac diasease.

    It is kind of you sharing this information with us.

    1. I am glad if the article or post is helping, you need to get that checked because it will cause more damage or harm to your vital organs. You don’t want to see yourself having severe health issues; better treat it while it is still early. My intent with my posts is to spread awareness as much as I could. Thanks anyway with your comment.

  32. I’m very thankful for this post about celiac disease. People should know about this to avoid indigestion and other intestinal diseases. Most of the people in the world love to eat wheat bread not knowing the effects on health. Although it is edible and it doesn’t cause a dramatic negative effect, in the long run, it will infest and provide unwanted human health.

    Our family is fond of eating Gardenia, a loaf of bread from wheat and they usually have problems in indigestion.

    1. Abagatan

      You are right that people should know about this to avoid indigestion and other intestinal diseases. The intention with the topic is to spread awareness to as many people as I could; slowly, we are increasing this awareness buy reaching few individuals each day. Eventually, it will make an impact. The more people are aware of the disease, the better decisions they would take. Thanks for your comment.

  33. I know several individuals that have the Celiac disease.  It shocks me to learn that their are so many in this world.  I know at one time I thought I had Celiac, but I was thankfully not.  I do however, don’t overdue it on the wheat based products.

    It is great to know that you can illuminate the disease.  If you cure yourself of the disease thru diet, can you get this disease back?  I am thinking you could if you went back to your earlier way of eating.  I would be interested to know this.

    You have provided so much information on this disease, I am just grateful at this time, that it is not in my family.  It does seem to be appearing more and more.  It is great that restaurants are now trying to accommodate gluten-free diets.

    Thanks for sharing this great article!

    1. Wanda

      Yes, more and more restaurants nowadays are accommodating gluten-free food. If more people turn to gluten-free, it will help a lot, and the more people are changing to gluten-free, the more the prices will become lower. Thanks for your comment.

  34. This is a very informative post about Celiac disease. I did not know this disorder not until I read this post. I was surprised that other foods like coffee contain gluten. When I think of gluten I thought it was only in bread products. I love both of these foods and drinks and it makes worry now after reading your article considering it has no treatment yet. Will this disease develops into an intestinal cancer in the long run if not suppressed through diet? 

    1. Dan Sicat

      There’s a high possibility that when celiac disease not treated for a long time, it might trigger or develop intestinal cancer. I intention of the article is to spread awareness to as many people as I could. Thanks for your comment.

  35. Thank you for such an interesting read. I’m into holistic medicine (working with energies, facilitation body self-healing, work with meridians and acupressure points, etc), so this was a very useful topic to read.
    It must be a pain to suffer from this, because, I guess, one can’t enjoy a good pint of lager! (Because of barley). And one has to be careful in restaurants where flour is often used to thicken sauces.

    One funny memory emerged when reading your article:
    Last Christmas my husband and I went to a beautiful cathedral for the midnight mass of the Church of England. The atmosphere was very holy and sublime, with majestic organ introduction. And then the festively-clad priest stepped on the pulpit and announced in a sombre, authoritative voice, with utter seriousness: “If you require gluten-free hosts, then stand on the left side during the communion.”
    It was the most hilarious beginning of any mass I’ve ever attended! 🙂

    A question came to my mind during reading your text:
    I’d like to ask you whether gluten intolerance is only linked to Coeliac disease, or any other diseases/conditions.
    I wonder whether this condition could be treatable – or if a person could mobilise his/her immune system so that the condition would be eliminated…
    I’ve heard of cases where a person overcame an allergy, but haven’t heard about overcoming gluten intolerance.
    Thank you again for your thorough and super-researched article!

    1. Lucie

      More and more restaurants nowadays do have gluten-free food. Gluten intolerance is linked to quite a few diseases, to name a few: Crohn’s Disease,Arthritis; Addison’s Disease; Down Syndrome, etc. The only way to cure it is to go 100% gluten-free. Thanks for your comment.

  36. I have a friend that is both gluten and lactose intolerant.  I’m thinking now that it’s a high probability that she has Celiacs.  I really feel sorry for her as I’ve seen what she goes through when shopping or doing meal preparation. She has a very difficult time going to a friend’s to eat or even to a restaurant. As you so aptly pointed out, there is gluten in almost everything we eat and things we wouldn’t even think of. You mentioned that oats are fine for them to eat bu I was wondering about rice and potatoes. Thank you!

    1. Feochadan

      You must advise her to go for a test to confirm; I also think that she’ll test positive on celiac disease. The earlier she test and start the recovery process, the better; this disease is an underlaying for many conditions that it might trigger. Oats is good but you to check it because nowadays they put gluten in most food, it must be gluten-free. The majority of vegetables are gluten-free, including potatoes. Thanks for your comment.

  37. Hi Lucky, I’d never heard of Celiac disease before so this was quite an educational article for me. Thanks for the detailed historical background which shows how the diagnosis kept improving until the researchers finally nailed it. They say we stand on the shoulders of giants. This article shows how privileged we are to be able to learn so much about a topic in a short time. It also goes to show the treasures of various solutions and diets that we enjoy and as such should never take for granted in this age. Thanks for sharing.

    We are Blessed 

    1. The article intends to spread awareness to as many people as I could; reaching a few people a day will make an impact one day. Thanks for your comment.

  38. Hi Lucky – This is a very informative article on celiac disease.  It seems that getting an accurate diagnosis can be tricky since the symptoms are similar to other gastric conditions.  The other problem is that gluten and its cousin proteins are in so many products and it takes a concerted effort to avoid them.

    1. Nathaniel

      True, it is tricky because it shares its symptoms with a few other conditions. The article intends to spread awareness to as many people as I could; reaching a few people a day will make an impact one day. Thanks for your comment.

  39. I know a friend with Celiac Disease.  She is a pity person because she cannot enjoy many delicious foods which are composed of dairy and wheat products.  We dare not to have gatherings with her in restaurant outside, but at somebody’s home instead because we can avoid all gluten source food more easily.  We cannot bear any risk at her.  Due to limited choice of foods, she has to take supplements recommended by her doctor.

    Your 7 questions are very useful because it is important for the person to clearly understand his/her health condition so that he/she can take appropriate preparation on what and how to do after being diagnosed with this disease.  Thank you for sharing this informative article.

    1. Dolbe

      The intention with the topic is to spread awareness to as many people as I could; slowly, we are increasing this awareness buy reaching few individuals each day. Eventually, it will make an impact. The more people are aware of the disease, the better decisions they would take. Thanks for your comment.

  40. Thank you, Lucky, for the article making us aware of Celiac disease.  I actually never heard it called this until now, so its good to learn of the actual name for it.  I do know people who are Gluten Intolerant, but guess I just didn’t know the scientific name for the condition or disease.  

    You have made us aware of the history and seriousness of the disease, and given us some good suggestions for managing the causes of the disease, i.e. checking food labels, managing gluten intake, and exercise.  

    You know, my doctors through the years have insisted that diet and exercise are foundations for staying healthy, and it sounds like, since there is really no scientific treatment for Celiac, these are the primary ways for treating it.  

    Again, thanks  for making us aware of the disease, and ways to manage it.

    1. Earl Langley, I’m happy if you find value in the article. The intention is to reach as many people as I could. Thanks for your comment.

  41. This is excellent information.  I have known some who have this condition and because of it’s growing occurrence I’m wondering if it’s because of the changes that have been made in how our food is prepared.

    Correct me if I’m wrong but it seems to me that gluten is used as a thickening agent in a lot of food products which could explain why this problem has grown so much.

    I was surprised to find out that it was also hereditary.  But I suppose that when you consider it’s called a “Disease”, this shouldn’t be a surprise and, as you said, trying to leave gluten out of a diet is very hard because it seems to be in almost everything these days.  One has to spend a lot of time reading labels.  

    With the number of possible symptoms, I can see why it is so hard to diagnose this condition. Many could be associated with other conditions hence the extended amount of time it takes to reach a positive conclusion.  Are they making any progress toward finding some common symptoms to make easier to diagnose this condition?

    I’m going to keep this page bookmarked to show others who may think they have this condition. 

    If one even suspects that they may have celiac disease, I’m thinking the best option would be to see a doctor asap.


    1. Wayne. You are correct the changes in preparation of food led to the rise of celiac disease; it’s true, gluten nowadays used as a thickening agent in many food products. I’m happy if you find value in the article. The intention is to reach as many people as I could. Thanks for your comment.

  42. Hi. We have a friend who always asks for gluten free options at restaurants.  I did not know why she was doing so.  Now I know and feel more informed.  We hear a lot about other diseases.  This one, I have not heard much of. Thank you so much for the information.  We like to do walks and bike rides for fund raisers.  I will be on the look out for an event that supports celiac research.

    1. I am happy if my post is informative. The post’s objective is to spread awareness to as many people as we could reach. Thanks for your comment.

  43. This blog is very informative.  My daughter-in-law’s father has celiac disease.  If he doesn’t stay on his diet he gets sick or breaks out in a rash.  On holidays I always cook special for him.   After reading your article I have a better understanding of what the disease is about.  Thanks

    1. I’m very much glad to hear that my post is helpful, which contributes to the post’s objective that is to spread awareness to as many people as we could.

  44. Since I know of several people with Celiac Disease, it was interesting to read more about it. I found it interesting to hear of the history of the disease. I did not know it has been around for such a long time.

    I was also surprised to find out that 1 in 100 people world-wide have this disease and some people can have the disease without having any symptoms. It was interesting to know that there is no medication for it but it is controlled only by a gluten free diet.

    Thank you for your informative article.

    1. I’m very much happy if my post is helpful, which contributes to the post’s objective that is to spread awareness to as many people as we could.

  45. Thanks for all this information, my wife as that desease and wé struggle a lot , but non you have answered a lot of the questions wé were asking ourselfes and your post answered all of them , thank you so much you did a really good job on your site , keep up the good work and hopping you get a lot of traffic To reward you .

  46. Thanks for the information about Celiac disease. Actually this disease is new to me, I only heard for the first time. I am an eggs lover, i ate eggs almost everyday. Is this good for me? Will eating eggs has impact on this disease? Of cause, I hope not as so far I feel healthy. I also eat a lot of vegetables too. 

    Once again, thanks for sharing this meaning meaningful article. Try appreciated. 


    1. Ethan Lee, Eggs are gluten-free. You are safe from celiac disease according to your diet. I’m very much glad to hear that my post is helpful, which contributes to the post’s objective that is to spread awareness to as many people as we could. Thanks for your comment.

  47. Hi Lucky

    Thanks for your well researched article about  celiac disease.  I wasn’t aware that people could die from it, but as I am gluten intolerant myself, I”m very aware of the gluten I consume.

    It would be interesting to compare the symptoms of gluten intolerance (which is not celiac) and the celiact disease itself.  I find that most people who have celiac that I am familiar with cannot afford the expensive confirmation tests, so they self diagnose.

    Also, many of those people end up following a whole food diet, where you make everything from scratch, as many products have hidden gluten in them.  One can also not eat at restaurants or hotels easily, as they buy pre-made products and don’t always know if there is small amounts of gluten in their food.

    Its great that you are increasing awareness about this topic.

    Thanks again. 

    1. I wish you complete recovery from celiac disease. This disease needs 100% gluten-free for someone to see the change in everyone’s lives. I’m happy to hear that my post is informative and helpful, which contributes to the post’s objective that is to spread awareness to as many people as we could. Thank you very much for your comment.

  48. Hi, lucky!

    Great essay about Celiac Disease.
    I liked the historical view of it. It is also known that Gluten is not the diet for many sportsmen. Contrary, it is also known that there are also people that don’t have problems with it. Myself, I didn’t take care to much so far about it. I found that when I drink milk I feel somehow strange in my intestine area.

    In my opinion, every person has some problematic areas related to nutrition. However, thanks for the great article.

    Wish you success with it.


    1. Hello Igor

      Thank you for the information provided, very much appreciated. Thanks again for your time to comment on my celiac disease post. 

  49. Hello, 

    I was pleased to find a blog on this topic. I recently began learning a bot the damage that gluten has on the body. I have concluded that I do have a gluten intolerance. I have been struggling with some of these symptoms for a long time and doctors haven’t been any to find it. Your article gives me a clear picture of the history of this disease and it’s causes. It is good to know that the intestine will heal itself.

    1. Rachele

      I am very much pleased if the celiac disease post help somehow. The primary intent of the post is to spread awareness to as many people as I could. I wish you a speedy recovery from your symptoms. Thanks for your comment.

  50. To be honest, I have never heard of this “Celiac disease” until now that I’ve just read your post. Very informational and educative content. I wanna take a moment and thank you for sharing this helpful article with us. I would actually consider this “celiac disease” more of a condition, rather than a disease, since it can not be treated as I could clearly understand. It’s utterly important to have a healthy diet and to exercise everyday even if you have this type of condition or not!

    Again, truly informative, I always like to learn new things so thank you for giving me that opportunity.

    1. Alex Rubio

      Celiac disease or condition, as you are saying, is only about diet. Diet plays a significant role in human lives that makes it the primary focus. I am very much pleased if the celiac disease post help somehow. The primary intent of the post is to spread awareness to as many people as I could. Thanks for your comment.

  51. A very informative article. I have heard of the Celiac disease but didn’t know much about it. I was surprised by the number of people that have this disease and that it is hereditary. I’ve heard about eating gluten-free but never associated it with someone having a disease. Some of the foods you mention, like coffee I didn’t know, had gluten. I think I’ll start cutting out some of the food with gluten to prevent this disease.

    1. Lyde
      This post intends to spread awareness to as many people as I could. I am glad if it fulfills that purpose. Thanks for visiting my page, and thanks again for your comment.

  52. This is great to see here and in all honesty, I found this post to be very informative and enlightening. Of a truth, celiac disease are really popular and have been troubling the world populace at large. However, it would be wise to state that I just heard of it today for the first time. Thanks for the enlightenment and also to know symptoms that can trigger alertness in me

    1. Rodarrick
      Diet plays a vital role in human lives; we need to take it seriously. I am very much pleased if the celiac disease post is helping. The primary intent of the post is to spread awareness to as many people as I could. Thanks for your comment.

  53. Hello Lucky. Thanks for this great information. One of my best friends has Celiac and watches everything she eats, very carefully. Whenever she visits, we always make sure to have gluten-free meals. She does drink fresh goat’s milk which doesn’t seem to hurt her. 

    Although I am not gluten intolerant, my husband and I always have gluten-free pasta. We don’t get that bloated full feeling you get with regular pasta. I can imagine how difficult it must be for people who eat out. Thanks for the information and the warning signs for people to look out for.

    1. Mary Ann

      I wish a speedy recovery to your friend; if she stays 100% gluten-free, she’ll be better. Nowadays we need to watch what we eat. Thanks for your comment.

  54. I’m glad to have read your report, as I have wanted to know more about celiac disease. I don’t think I have it, though have never been tested.  I do have a friend who has it, though.

    I spent several months on an anti-inflammatory diet to deal with pain from a hip that needed replacement.  On that diet, there was a list of 13 foods that we were not to eat, and as time passed, we added the ingredients back, one at a time, and if we reacted to them.  We knew they needed to be removed from our diet.  Wheat is the very last thing you add back in, as it’s obviously known that it can be a troublemaker. 

    I think it’s amazing that such problems can be researched and eventually their causes found.  We are fortunate to be able to learn so much more about our health than was known long ago.

    1. Fran

      Celiac disease is excruciating and not good to have it; ensure to try to minimize the food that elevates it or that contains gluten. I am very much sorry for your friend, and the only way is to go 100% gluten-free.

      I wish you a speedy recovery in your operation. Indeed mostly Wheat, Barley, and Rye are a big problem for the human’s digestive system. We need to cut back on these foods if we need to take control of our health.

      I am very much happy if the post or blog is helpful; it intends to spread awareness as many people as we can. Thank you very much for your comment. 

  55. Lucky Thommo

    You have certainly written a well researched and informative article. I read once that the trouble in the small intestines is the loss of villi (finger-like projections from the wall of the small intestine).

    I think that it is an underrated disease and you do a good job getting the message out.

    How important is it when it comes to choosing a doctor? Should you consult more than one? You mention nutrition and it would seem obvious to find a doctor who knows something about nutrition. Unfortunately, most western doctors were not taught anything about this at medical school. How about naturopaths any thoughts there?

    Sorry, I haven’t had much personal experience. The only person I know who had it was a character in Big Bang Theory on TV.

    1. GarryJam

      Choosing a general practitioner is very crucial in the sense that many people progress to the worse stage of illness due to the Doctor not recommending the right tests. That is why before you choose a Doctor, you need to do your due diligence because you are putting your life into his or her hand; therefore, you need to trust him or her completely. It is not always necessary to have a second option, but it is more important to ask the right question to Doctor to take the essential steps towards the healing stage. Prompting the Doctor with the right question leads to him or her taking or doing the necessary steps to recommend what’s direct with your disease. 
      I am very much happy if the post or blog is helpful; it intended to spread awareness as many people as we can. Thank you very much for your comment. 

  56. Hi Lucky, it is scary to know Celiac Disease impacted so many people. What is the consequence if not treated? I understand from your article it mentioned damage to the small intestine. Which small intestine will be damaged and what will happened if that is not treated?

    At least a gluten-free diet can help to mitigate this disease.

    Thank you for highlighting this to us. Marc.

    1. Marc Ho

      The consequence of celiac disease not treated the villi will be harmed by gluten; the individual, the body, won’t have the option to get supplements; it is barren to get enough nutrients and minerals. The person will end up being malnutrition. Once you are malnutrition, your immune system becomes weaker and weaker. When you have a weak immune system is when you will have blown-up diseases. From there, that is where you will have health complications, and many diseases will surface, i.e.: 

      Lactose intolerance; Malnutrition and Malabsorption; Cancer and Lymphoma; Irritability and depression; Osteoporosis; Infertility and Miscarriage for women; Nervous System problems 

      I am very much happy if the post or blog is helpful; it intended to spread awareness as many people as we can. Thank you very much for your comment. 

  57. For me is the first  time when i find this type of disease called Celiac. 

    Given that 1% of the world’s population suffers from this disease, it is a scary element for me. You have put a lot of useful information here and I want to thank you for that. It is sad that the cause of this disease is unknown and puts me in thoughts. Are there really no researchers working on a treatment for this?
    I notice that every day we have problems with viruses that appear and for which we have no treatment.

    1. Nimrodngy

      Researchers are working on celiac disease, and we only hope that they will find a cure. I am very much happy if the post or blog is helpful; it intended to spread awareness as many people as we can. Thank you very much for your comment.

  58. Great information!  My wife has Celiac’s that went undiagnosed until she was 40.  Year’s of doctors telling her she had IBS, ulcerative colitis, etc…. She had to have her small intestine removed since it got so diseased.  For many, gluten-free is not a fad.  It is great there is so much information available and there are so many food options available.

    A question:  There are some folks proposing that they can reverse Celiac’s in some people with diet or other methodologies, any truth to these ideas?

    1. robertmccarty

      I am very much sorry about your wife, and doctors sometimes do the checks for celiac disease too late. The only scientific proof available today is that when you go 100% gluten-free, it is starting to reverse celiac disease, the second method to follow it to do a full blood count to check on vitamin and nutrient deficiencies. Once you find out where you defy, you need to supplement it. Also, in the supplementation, you need to work with your doctor because of the monitoring part. The doctor needs to see whether you are gaining from the supplements or not because people react differently towards medications. 

      I hope to have answered your question. I the post or blog is helpful; it intended to spread awareness as many people as we can. Thank you very much for your comment.

  59. Your article is very thorough and informative in opening one’s eyes to the actual relationship between a relatively unknown knowledge of celiac disease and the more discussed issue of gluten consumption.  Most of us are familiar with the prevalence of a gluten-free diet, but not about the nature of celiac disease.  Your article is a very timely read for anyone concerned with being gluten-free.  As you point out, the signs of celiac disease are recognizable and should not be ignored.  A doctor’s intervention is generally warranted to get one’s health back on the right track.  Your article lays it all out.  You don’t over-sell the problem but address it in an easily digestible approach.  I learned a lot by reading the article.  Glad you are there to take your readers into this important discussion.

    1.  bjgteach

      Celiac disease is a sensitive issue while at the same time an underlying disease or condition. I am very much happy if the post or blog is helpful; it intended to spread awareness as many people as we can. Thank you very much for your comment.

  60. I have to agree with The Forty Something Traveller’s comment wholeheartedly!

    I was still living in California when ‘Gluten Free’ labels were increasingly seen everywhere.  I was a PA at the time and, was a chef, teacher and, all-around assistant to a woman that had both of her kids on a gluten-free diet without them being diagnosed with Celiacs.  Like many, she saw some of her favorite celebrities touting weight loss through their gluten-free diet and, because she was doing it her whole family had to too! 

    Lucky, I appreciate your article because it gives facts and, creates awareness of a real condition.  I don’t consider all gluten bad for you and neither do doctors but, we all benefit from eating less processed foods and, a truly balanced diet! 

    Heck, I love a lot of gluten-free recipes just for the taste and the added crispness I get when making things like gluten-free pizzas from scratch.  I have many friends with gluten intolerance and, also friends diagnosed with celiacs.  It feels good to support them in any way I can because I know the facts over the fads! 

    Keep up the great work spreading the word Lucky! Thank you! 

    1. Fyre

      I am very much pleased with your comment on the topic of celiac disease is a sensitive issue while at the same time an underlying disease or condition. I am very much happy if the post or blog is helpful; it intended to spread awareness as many people as we can. Thank you very much for your comment.

  61. I truly need to initially value your exertion in assembling this incredible site and composing this article. Much obliged for the extraordinary article on celiac disease. I have known about Celiac disease yet never comprehended what it was about until perusing your article. It is intriguing the connection between diet ( gluten-free) and this ailment. There are many individuals influenced by wheat gluten and it positively can’t be anything but difficult to stay away from this. Thanks for sharing a useful and informative post. I will share this article among friends. I hope they benefit. Thanks.

    1. sabrinamou

      I am happy if the post is adding value, and it fulfills its purpose of spreading awareness about celiac disease to as many people as we possibly can. Thanks for your comment.

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