7 Quick Guide To Know what is kidney stone pain like?

7 Quick Guide To Know what is kidney stone pain like?

Having pain in your sides, abdomen, or back does not always mean something is wrong with your kidneys. There’s a possibility to have pain only on one side or both sides, depending on whether one or both kidneys are having issues. We are giving you seven quick guides to know what kidney stone pain like?

Kidney pain is an uncomfortable sensation. It’s excruciating for many people who experienced it more than childbirth, an emotional experience that links to tissue damage. “If you Know-how.”

The experience of pain is not uniform to every person. Different people experience pain differently. The pain problem can last for either a short or long period. Kidney pain can spread around the body or can stay in one place.

7 Quick Guide To Know what is kidney stone pain like

1. What is kidney stone pain like, Expectations vs. Reality?

According to National Kidney Foundations, Every 10th person has a kidney stone problem in their life span. They also confirmed the increase in Kidney stone patients form 3.8% (in the 1970s) to 8.8% (in the 2000s) and with more affected are Men (about 19%) than women (about 9%) in the United States population, as the reason identified due to obesity, diabetes, and high blood pressure, might raise the chance for kidney stones.

Most renal patients wonder what kidney stone pain is like in their stomach area or on the flank or back. Let’s discuss it.

What is a kidney stone?

Kidney stones are Hard Stone or pebble-like material made up of a high concentration of certain minerals and chemicals formed from the urine substances. These substances must pass through our urine, but sometimes they become highly concentrated and crystalize when there is not enough urine volume.

Kidney stones can be on one or both kidneys. It may vary in size and shape, from as small stones as a grain of sand to larger stones like 13 cm.

What is kidney stone pain like locations?

What is kidney stone pain like, Kidney stone, 7 Quick Guide To Know What is kidney stone pain like, kidneys, COVID-19, types of kidney stones, location of kidneys, what is a kidney stone, kidney stone,
Human anatomy diagram with kidney stones illustration

You can get the most in the way of the urine flow duct or the urinary tract. Sometimes, it may pass through the urinary tract (ureter – urine carrying artery) to the bladder. This duct may get stuck for days, months, or it may be for years as well.

Once the stone gets stuck at this location, you may feel burning or severe pain during urination or pee. It is extreme that you want to stop peeing immediately, and others turn to delay urinating because of the pain issue. So, this would answer, “What is kidney stone pain like.”

On the other hand, “it may found in either anyone of Kidneys (Left or Right) or both kidneys.” Depending on your physical exercise and family history, it would draw attention to kidney stone pain like locations you will get in your life.

2. Types of kidney stones?

What is kidney stone pain like, Kidney stone, 7 Quick Guide To Know What is kidney stone pain like, kidneys, COVID-19, types of kidney stones, location of kidneys, what is a kidney stone,
Types of kidney stones

Types of kidney stones & stone-forming substances

Below are substances associated with kidney stones’ formation about what is kidney stone pain like you have. These are the most commonly found and diagnosed.

  1. Calcium Stones (Oxalate & Phosphate) – abnormalities in the way the urinary system functions
  2. Purine Stones [Uric Acid Stones & Xanthine (happens in rare)] – Uric Acid stones occur when our urine is too acidic (the pH level below 5.5) comparatively normal urine. Xanthine happens due to Xanthinuria, and it is a genetic deficiency of xanthine oxidase, a defect in purine metabolism.
  3. Struvite Stones – It is most common in women. It overgrows, becomes large, and possibly occupies the entire kidney area.
  4. Cystine Stones – It forms due to the disorder of cystinuria. It is also a genetic problem. It occurs due to amino acid cystine to leak through your kidneys and into the urine.

Here are other articles where I have explained in detail about kidney issues:

Please take a look and come back to read more about What Kidney Stone Pain Is Like?


What is kidney stone pain like names used?

In the medical community, Kidney stones known as

  • Renal Calculi,
  • Nephrolithiasis,
  • Urolithiasis,
  • Urinary stones.

3. What is kidney stone pain like, Symptoms & Causes?

Here are a few of the usual common causes of kidney stones:

Some of these habits may develop a high amount of salts and unwanted minerals in your kidneys. Consequently, these all stick to the urinary tract and blocks the flow of liquid wastes.

You may feel a sharp pain or dull ache on your left side of the body edge with these stones pain. It may feel like upper backache or whole stomach pain.

The First Signs of Kidney Stone

  • Pain in the back, belly, or flank:
  • Not being able to urinate:
  • Pain or burning during urination:
  • Foul-smelling or Cloudy urine: Healthy urine is clear in color and doesn’t produce a sharp odor; cloudy or foul-smelling urine could be a warning sign of an infection.
  • Blood in the urine:
  • Nausea and vomiting: because of shared nerve connections between the kidneys and GI tract
  • Fever and Feeling Cold (especially in summer):

Other symptoms of kidney stones

  • urinary tract infection
  • blood in your urine
  • abdomen or groin
  • nausea and vomiting

4. What is Kidney Stone Pain like, risk factors for developing in kidneys?

Dehydration is one of the significant risk factors for kidney stone development. Our body should have the required amount of water to function well. Daily 3 liters to 5 liters of water must be passed through our kidneys to have better blood filtration. The water intake depends on how active you are, and the more active you are, the more water intake you’ll need.

Less consumption Pure Drinking water, Water loss due to vomiting, diarrhea, excessive sweating, and urination are high-risk factors for developing kidney stones.

Controlling Your Risk Factors

You can control kidney stone development by eating high-oxalate foods like chocolates, dark green vegetables, and sweetened beverages.

Everything is in your hand. Our control on what we have is like “Prevention is better than Cure.”

Below are some situations I have mentioned that you can’t have control over the stone formation.

Risk Factors You Can’t Control

Hereditary problems like a family history of kidney stones may be a very concerning factor for us. But, once you feel pain, get thought about that. It may help you to get a better insight into What is kidney stone pain like.

Some of them are –

Controlling the above-mentioned medical treatments with other side-effects-free medications like Ayurveda, Homeopathic, Naturopathy, etc. may reduce the stone formation changes soon.

5. What is kidney stone pain like Treatments?


Reach out to your doctor or well-known doctors to seek immediate medical treatment with proper consultations. Your doctor may advise you to get testing’s like – Blood test, Urine Test, and imaging scan like CT scan – “KUB x-ray” (kidney-ureter-bladder x-ray)

Shock Wave Therapy

Destroy big size kidney stones by using shock wave lithotripsy. It is also called an extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL). The stones smaller than 2 cm in diameter are the best for using this ESWL treatment.

This therapy helps broken stones to travel through ureters to the bladder, and it throws away from an excretive system of the human body.


The concerned doctor would use a long tool like a tube to find and remove the stone or find and break the stone into small pieces for big kidney stones. In this case, a laser would help to break the stone into pieces. On the other hand, if it is small, the doctor will be able to remove it.

Percutaneous nephrolithotomy

In rare cases, a surgery called percutaneous nephrolithotomy.

6. Four Phases of Passing Kidney stone

For new patients, stones pass phases will be a little shocking for kidney stone pain. Many doctors would straightforwardly advise them to get treatment, do this task, and so on. Once done, you will feel some relief, but the doctor won’t have time to explain the stones’ pass phases.

Phase 1 – The worst and Painful of the entire process of passing a kidney stone

  1. Experiencing Kidney pain like having a stone.
  2. Kidney stone starts detaching from the inner wall of our kidneys (Where it has been forming).
  3. Extreme Pain – The body recognizes that stone as a foreign object and begins trying to remove it.
  4. Pregnant women would often call it the pain of kidney stones is worse than giving birth naturally.

Phase 2 – Passing form Kidney to the bladder

  1. Kidneys ureters interior diameter is about 2-3mm; any kidney stone over 2mm can obstruct urine flow.
  2. You may also feel the same for what is kidney stone pain, like in phase 1.
  3. Because the stone or rock feels like you ripping and tearing ureter as it makes its way down to your bladder.
  4. You would feel a sensation of pressure occurring near where the kidney stone might have stopped at this phase.

Phase 3 – Pee for every 5 minutes

  1. The pain will slow down. You will feel IMMENSE PRESSURE, and soon you will go for a pee every 5 minutes.
  2. The body recognizes that stone as a foreign body and pressures you to remove it from the body by forcing pee.
  3. But, once that stone can’t find a way to go out (From the urethra), you may feel to get Emergency. “OMG, what should I do now?” etc. like situation.
  4. Again, pee is over; after 5-10 min if it comes back to the bladder, you will also feel relaxed. And process again starts at number 1. It will be repetitive until it throws out of the body.

Phase 4 – If it is small stones, it will throw out.

  1. Once you feel the kidney stone lodge itself in the opening to your urethra.
  2. You should push and push forcefully, and others will hear your voice in the toilet.
  3. In these 4 phases, we saw “what is kidney stone pain like in each stage of passing.”

7. Kidney stone and COVID-19

Newly formed Kidney stones in new Patients and novel coronavirus have seen infection any reports about death or any other casualties. But kidney disease patients with a weaker immune system have been infected with COVID-19 cause’s kidney damages.

According to John Hopkins Medicine, “coronavirus — officially called SARS-CoV-2—can also cause drastic and lasting injury in other organs, including our most precious heart and kidneys.”

But yet, the Doctors aren’t clear about the impact of COVID-19 on kidneys. Below are some points still being exploring by the research team,

  • Coronavirus may target kidney cells
  • Very little Oxygen can cause kidneys to malfunction
  • Cytokine storms can destroy kidney tissue
  • COVID-19 causes blood clots that might clog the kidneys

Above mentioned queries yet to be clear by John Hopkins Medicine. But As per my experience, and at some level of logic, COVID-19 infections may lead shortage of oxygenated air, which is essential for the functioning of our vital organs like the Heart, Kidney, and Brain. Without water and Oxygen, life is no more.

The kidney stone or any other Acute Kidney Disease requires a hydrated body with enough Oxygen to have proper kidneys; otherwise, we will get kidney stone pain.

Follow strict social distancing, and drink enough amount of water and follow the doctors’ prescribed medication.

Concluding Words

Till now, we looked at what is kidney stone pain-like symptoms, causes, trends, and the latest COVID-19 scenario, which explores the kidney stone situation.

Inconclusive words, I would like to suggest you stay away from dehydrating foods. Get as much as pure water daily, depending on your activeness, with a minimum of 8 classes. You need to drink 100% juices, eat apples, eat oranges, follow governments’ strict social distancing norms, and follow doctors prescribed medications.


Lucky Thomo

Welcome to turntobehealthy.com – a blog that focuses on spreading the healthy way of living and saving money in the process.My name is Lucky Thomo and I’m currently employed full time and do Blogging part-time, wishing to go blogging full-time in the future. I'm more into health and fitness with this website. I do research in my spare time and also introduced the way of living and eating into my family.In 2019 I stumbled upon a YouTube Video about ‘Blogging’. I was skeptical at first because there are too many scams out there. I was given a free 7 (Seven) days no question's asked if I want to cancel.I start a personal blog on the free seven days where I’ve gone deeper into the Healthy and Fitness industry. After that free seven days, I decided to go on and paid to continue with the programs because I saw value in the platform. I continued like that ever since. I’ve learned many things from the experience of the platform that I joined.My blogs are growing steadily in popularity and authority. I started as a hobby but now I enjoy it more than before. I am slowly building my blogging into an income source that will enable me to dedicate more and more time to it and eventually become a full-time blogger.To find out more about my story, you can read it in the tab "About Lucky" on my website. You can also visit my Turntobehealthy.com blog post to have a look at my work.

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